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  • Foreword, Robert L. Breeden
  • Reality and Illusion: The White House and Harry S. Truman, William P. O'Brien
  • Tempest in a Teapot: Truman's Failed Attempt at an Office Addition, Elizabeth Beard Goldsmith
  • Lorenzo Simmons Winslow: Architect of the White House, 1933-1952, William B. Bushong
  • Pictures of the Operation: Abbie Rowe Photographs, the White House Renovation, Clay Bauske
  • President Truman's Televised Tour, Rex W. Scouten
  • To Own a Piece of the White House: The Souvenir Program of the Truman Renovation, William G. Allman
  • The White House Collection: The Truman Interiors, Betty C. Monkman

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