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Protest at the White House

There is a rich history of protests and demonstrations at the White House and Lafayette Park, from the suffragists' silent pickets to a peace vigil that has spanned across decades. For more short, educational videos from the White House Historical Association, click here. For our education resource about protest at the White House, click here. For more information about this

First Ladies

The role of the First Lady of the United States has changed over the years. These women have shaped the White House as well as the nation. For more short, educational videos from the White House Historical Association, click here. To learn more about the evolving roles of the first lady, click here. For information and short biographies about all

Presidential Transportation

U.S. Presidential transportation has evolved over time, from George Washington's horse-drawn carriage to the modern "Air Force One" and "The Beast." For more short, educational videos from the White House Historical Association, click here. For our educational resource about transportation and the White House, click here. This video was produced in partnership with UNTOLD. Untold is a project of

Building the White House

The White House stands as a symbol of freedom, but the story behind its construction reveals some important contradictions. For more short, educational videos from the White House Historical Association, click here. For more information about the design, building, and rebuilding of the White House, click here. For more information about Slavery in the President's Neighborhood research initiative, click here.

White House History with Margaret Brennan: Women in Diplomacy

The White House Historical Association's 2024 quarterly series White House History with Margaret Brennan will feature four conversations dealing with various topics about the rich history of the Executive Mansion. The White House Historical Association will launch the series on March 21, 2024. This year’s theme is Diplomacy and the White House, and this event will explore the topic of Women in Di

Marquis de Lafayette Returns

In 1824, the Marquis de Lafayette, French hero of the American Revolution, returned to America for the first time in nearly half a century. This program will explore the Marquis de Lafayette's time in Washington DC during his National Tour, tracing his route through the region and highlighting the locations and people the famous General held closest to his heart. Public

The Official 2024 White House Christmas Ornament

The Official 2024 White House Christmas Ornament honors President Jimmy Carter, the thirty-ninth President of the United States. The 2024 design is a thoughtful presentation of historic moments from his life and presidency, which we hope you enjoy learning more about in this video. The White House Historical Association has created the Official White House Christmas Ornament since 1981. Each ornament sequentially focuses

Black Americans, Civil Rights, and the Roosevelts, 1932-1962

William A. Harris, Director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, joins us for a conversation about their special exhibit, “Black Americans, Civil Rights, and the Roosevelts, 1932-1962.” Developed in collaboration with a distinguished committee of scholars, the exhibit centers the historical voices of many Black community leaders, wartime service members, and ordinary citizens who engaged the Roosevelt admi

9th Annual Commodore Stephen Decatur Birthday Celebration

The White House Historical Association hosted the 9th annual birthday celebration for Commodore Stephen Decatur on January 4, 2024 at historic Decatur House. The theme of this year’s discussion is “The U.S. Navy and the Royal Navy: A History of Friend and Foe” where the panelists give insight into both the history and the future of the relationship between the two na