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Things That Go Bump in the Blue Room

Most White House ghost stories revolve around long-deceased presidents or first ladies, such as Abigail Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Dolley Madison, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln. Some are more tangential to the White House, such as Anna Surratt, the daughter of Lincoln assassination conspirator Mary Surratt. But legends featuring spooks and specters aren’t restricted to nineteenth-century stories that have been re


"Children's Crusade" Protests at the White House

On April 29, 1922, a group of protestors arrived in Washington, D.C. and began a daily picket in front of the White House. This group of women and children, known as the “Children’s Crusade for Amnesty,” pressured President Warren G. Harding to release their husbands and fathers, who had been imprisoned for their opposition to World War I.1The protest was or


Washington, D.C.'s "Contraband" Camps

On April 16, 1862, Congress passed the Compensated Emancipation Act, ending slavery in the District of Columbia and delivering long-awaited freedom to more than 3,000 men, women, and children.1 America’s capital city became a beacon of liberty for enslaved individuals in bordering slave states like Maryland and Virginia, many of whom ran away and crossed into the District to pursue their own li


Mr. President, Can You Hear Us?

In the center of Washington, D.C, there is a seven-acre public park enclosed by H Street NW (north), Madison Place (east), Pennsylvania Avenue (south), and Jackson Place (west). Sometimes referred to as Lafayette Park or Lafayette Square (as a neighborhood), the area was named after the famous French hero, the Marquis de Lafayette. The park features a statue of


From the Suffragists to the ERA: Women's Rights Protests and Lafayette Park

Since the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, the public struggle for women’s rights and gender equality has unfolded for more than 170 years in the United States. One of the most pivotal moments occurred on January 10, 1917 when twelve women emerged from Cameron House, situated on the eastern side of Lafayette Square, and walked a short distance to protest the lack of vo


Vietnam War Protests at the White House

On November 1, 1963, a group of military officials overthrew the South Vietnamese government and assassinated President Ngo Dinh Diem after he refused to resign—all with the tacit approval of the John F. Kennedy administration.1 While U.S. involvement in Vietnam dated back to the Dwight Eisenhower administration, the escalation of the war during the 1960s and 1970s dominated national politics, ta