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  • Foreword, William Seale
  • Presidential Valets: Confidantes of the Wardrobe, Sam Childers
  • Fashion and Frugality: First Lady Sarah Polk, Conover Hunt
  • Frances Folsom Cleveland's White House Wardrobe, Annette M. Dunlap
  • Woodrow and Edith Wilson: Costumed for the World Stage, Elaine M. Gibbs
  • Dressing Down for the Presidency: Thomas Jefferson's Republican Simplicity, Gaye Wilson
  • Outfitting Jefferson Today: Bill Barker at Colonial Williamsburg
  • Livery at the White House: The Failed Plan to Establish a Whiff of Monarchy, Matthew C. Sherman
  • The Press was not Impressed: President Nixon's Stylish Security Uniforms
  • Glossary of Textile Terms

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