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  • Foreword, William Seale
  • Getting It Right: The Embellished Obligations of Dolley Madison, Conover Hunt
  • Rescue of the Papers of State During the Burning of Washington, Jessie Kratz
  • "Articles of the Best Kind": James Monroe Furnishes the Rebuilt White House, Scott H. Harris and Jarod Kearney
  • The White House Collection: Reminders of 1814, Betty Monkman
  • A New Look for the Bicentennial, William G. Allman
  • History on the Auction Block: The 1899 Sale of the Estate of Dolley Madison
  • Reflections After the Fire: The History of the Monroe Shaving Mirrors, Alexandra Parker
  • White House "Contractor's Salvage" Revived: Architectural Elements Preserved in Private Homes on Gibson Island, Barbara D. McMillan
  • Tribute to Neil Horstman

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