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Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 8/7/1942

WASHINGTON, Thursday—Yesterday afternoon, with the rain falling intermittently and gray skies, the Queen of the Netherlands1 came to Washington. It was an unpublicized visit, so even had the weather been kind, there would have been no opportunity for crowds to gather in the streets.However, the Queen was cheered several times along the way to the White House and by


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 8/8/1942

WASHINGTON, Friday—The sun shone yesterday and the weather has certainly been kind, because it has not been oppressively warm either yesterday or today. I went with Queen Wilhelmina1 to the Capitol and sat in the gallery to listen to her as she addressed those members of the Senate and the House who were in session and some of their fr


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 12/29/1941

WASHINGTON, Sunday—A few people came in to tea on Friday afternoon. The President worked right through with the Prime Minister1 and others, so we were late for an 8:00 o'clock dinner. The President made up his mind that they had all worked enough and needed relaxation, so we had a movie, which apparently was just the right thing for the oc


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 12/26/1942

WASHINGTON, Friday—I returned yesterday morning a little bit late, but in plenty of time to get over to Arlington, Va., for the children's party given there every year by the Kiwanis Club. There were fewer children there this year, which means that more people are at work and have money enough to provide Christmas cheer for their own families.Th


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 12/26/1939

WASHINGTON, Monday—Saturday was really a hectic day for me, ending up with a few minutes broadcast right in the middle of dinner, but everyone else went gaily on eating and I was back before the next course was served. Since it was Jimmy's1 birthday, we all drank his health and sent him a round-robin telegram. We tried very hard at


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 12/26/1938

Washington, Sunday—Christmas Day and Christmas Eve lie behind us. The 24th of December is always for me the embodiment of what I call "official Christmas." Though I appreciate all that it means, some things I do, leave me with a lump in my throat.I began Christmas Eve this year before 9:00 o'clock, for I had two parties for youngsters, on


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 12/24/1941

WASHINGTON, Tuesday—I was late arriving at the Office of Civilian Defense yesterday morning because, the President who has been very mysterious as to what was going to happen over these holidays, finally decided to tell me that the British Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill1, and his party were arriving some time in the late afternoon or evening. It had no


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 12/25/1936

WASHINGTON, Wednesday —Yesterday afternoon James1 and Betsey and their two children arrived. The children settled down on the third floor where we really are running a little household with a kitchen of its own. Luckily most of them eat at the same time and it is very amusing to go up at noon into the sun parlor and see the ba


Eleanor Roosevelt's "My Day," 11/7/1936

WASHINGTON, Friday—Yesterday was such a glorious day and we dawdled a good deal on the way down, and did not reach the White House until eight-thirty p.m. We dined and I sat down at my desk to straighten out a few things. I read some of the telegrams and letters which had come in since the election, and su