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Jonathan Pliska, author and garden historian, and Linda Jane Holden, author and garden historian
60 minutes

The White House includes 18 acres of historic grounds and gardens that have been cultivated for more than two hundred years by presidents and their gardeners. This spring, White House Historical Association President Stewart McLaurin interviews Jonathan Pliska, author of A Garden for the President, and Linda Jane Holden, author of The Gardens of Bunny Mellon, about the evolution of the White House gardens.

The podcast host

Stewart McLaurin, Host

President of the White House Historical Association

As President of the White House Historical Association Stewart McLaurin leads the nonpartisan, nonprofit in its mission to preserve, protect, and provide access to White House history. As a lifelong student of history, Stewart is an avid reader, author, and storyteller. Drawing on his own experiences, relationships, and knowledge he provides listeners with a front row seat to history at the White House.

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