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Program from State Dinner for First Secretary Gierek of Poland

This is an entertainment program from a dinner hosted by President Gerald R. Ford in honor of Edward Gierek, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Worker's Party, and his wife, Stanisława Gierek, on October 8, 1974. After dinner in the State Dining Room, guests transitioned to the East Room for entertainment by the Claude Kipnis Mime Theatre. Kipnis also presented President Ford with a copy of his 1974 guide "The Mime Book" as a gift for First Lady Betty Ford, who was unable to attend the performance. This program is part of a personal collection belonging to former White House Executive Chef Henry Haller. As executive chef from 1966-1987, Haller oversaw the menus for over 250 State Dinners at the White House.
White House Calligraphy Office
Date of Work
October 8, 1974
Courtesy of Henry & Carole Haller and Family