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The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum

Springfield, Illinois

The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (ALPLM) is a dynamic institution with ever-expanding collections that are essential to understanding the history of Illinois and its most famous citizen, Abraham Lincoln. All researchers—genealogists, scholars, students, and those studying historical issues of personal interest—are welcome.

On September 22, 1862 President Abraham Lincoln issued a preliminary proclamation announcing that it was his intention to issue the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863. This digital exhibition explores the debate and discussion the issue elicited in the North by the preliminary proclamation by focusing on personal letters of Illinois soldiers, state officials, and federal employees (from Illinois), who held a variety of opinions on the subject. Their views provide a glimpse into the mindset of the Northerners at the beginning of what would be a long process to emancipate enslaved people and reconstruct a new nation. Also included are photos of the White House during the Lincoln administration.

The White House Historical Association began its partnership with the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in the Spring of 2018. The partnership between the libraries involved providing access to a selection of ALPLM’s collections, including materials and documents focusing on the Emancipation Proclamation.

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