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Sharing White House History about Benjamin Harrison

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President Benjamin Harrison. Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site Main websiteEducation websiteLearn About the Life of Benjamin


Sharing White House History about Grover Cleveland

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President Grover Cleveland. Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial AssociationMain website


Sharing White House History about Chester A. Arthur

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find a digital educational resource compiled by the White House Historical Association and sourced from the National Park Service relating to President Chester Arthur. If you know of any other sites pertaining to President Chester


Sharing White House History about James A. Garfield

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find a variety of digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President James A. Garfield. James A. Garfield National Historic SiteMain website"More


Sharing White House History about Rutherford B. Hayes

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President Rutherford B. Hayes. Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library and MuseumsMain websiteEducation website


Sharing White House History about Ulysses S. Grant

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find a variety of digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President Ulysses S. Grant. Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site Main websiteHistory


Sharing White House History about Andrew Johnson

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find a variety of digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President Andrew Johnson. Andrew Johnson National Historic SiteMain websiteHistory and CultureEducation WebsitePresident


Sharing White House History about Abraham Lincoln

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find a variety of digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum at Lincoln Memorial University *


Sharing White House History about James Madison

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find a variety of digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President James Madison.James Madison MuseumEducational videosJames Madison's MontpelierVirtual webinars and educational