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Introducing The Official 2020 White House Christmas Ornament

The White House Historical Association's Official 2020 White House Christmas Ornament honors John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the thirty-fifth president of the United States. The youngest president since Theodore Roosevelt, Kennedy took office in January 1961, at age 43. Before his vibrant presidency was cut short by an assassin's bullet on November 22, 1963, he had reinvigorated the American spirit. His legacy lives on in his youthful


History Happy Hour - "Mom – Are We Really Moving to the White House?"

History Happy Hour is a weekly virtual program hosted by the White House Historical Association. Join us as experts weigh in on a variety of historical topics, share their insights, answer audience questions, and enjoy presidential-inspired libations.In August 1974, Susan Ford Bales was seventeen years old and moving into the White House with her parents, President Gerald Ford and First


Plantations & Politics

Speaking before the United States House of Representatives in 1825, congressman James K. Polk described American slavery as “a matter which required the utmost caution.”1 He viewed slavery as a fundamental part of southern culture and economics, while at the same time regretting that this “common evil” had been “entailed upon us by our ancestors.”2 While publicly conflicted over the morality of owning en


Thomas Jefferson's Cabinet

On November 26, 1791, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson attended the first cabinet meeting in American history. At 10:00 am, he arrived at the President’s House on the corner of Sixth and Market Streets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He walked upstairs and entered George Washington’s private study on the second floor. The room was relatively small—fifteen by twenty-one feet—and overcrowded with fur


The Formerly Enslaved Household of the Grant Family

Women are often overlooked in history for their role in the institution of slavery. First Lady Julia Dent Grant, wife of President Ulysses S. Grant, was a steadfast slave mistress for more than half of her life—an often forgotten part of her identity. Though Grant himself grew up in an abolitionist family in the free state of Ohio, his ma


"The Cabinet" Book Launch

Where did the president's cabinet come from? On April 7, 2020, White House Historian Dr. Lindsay M. Chervinsky chatted about her new book, "The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution" and took questions from a Facebook audience.


Sharing White House History about Barack Obama

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President Barack Obama. The Obama Presidential Center / Obama FoundationBackground Information about the ObamasBarack Obama Presidential


Sharing White House History about George W. Bush

The White House Historical Association and presidential libraries, historic homes, and museums have a shared goal of providing access to presidential history. Below you will find a variety of digital educational resources compiled by the White House Historical Association that have been sourced from presidential sites relating to President George W. Bush. George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum Educational